John & Sheila Jenkins
Latest update (12.11.2020), provided by Sheila's sister Christine
Sadly, we have not been able to see Sheila. When she was moved to the care home she needed to go into quarantine for two weeks in case she transferred Covid with her from the hospital. She came out of quarantine just as the new lockdown started so we are unable to visit.
I understand that she is comfortable and settled but I do not believe she is any better than before. She has had an infection so has been on antibiotics the past few days.
I am sure she would love to receive cards and messages from her friends.
She is currently in Beaumanor Care Home, 41 Cartwright Street, Loughborough LE11 1JW.
All the best from her family to you all at the bowls club. Stay safe.
Sheila was transferred to the Leicester General Hospital where she was undergoing rehab treatment but will be remaining in hospital for the near future at least. Some days are better than others but is very weak, very tired and does not often make sense or follow instructions from the physio. There is absolutely no visiting allowed.
I think we were all hoping for better news, but we must keep praying for her recovery and hope for better news shortly.
John and his wife Sheila were involved in a serious car accident leaving Sheila in a critical condition at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambs. Sadly, John passed away at the scene on Tuesday 21April 2020. There are still no further updates on Sheila (19/05/2020).
John was such a force within the club, having been a past President, Secretary and Competition Secretary, as well as a tireless worker around the green. He was President of Bowls Leicestershire (Men’s section) in 2015 and took on his current role as Chairman of the Board of Bowls Leicestershire in 2016. He was well known throughout the County and will be deeply missed by all.
“Gareth and Louise are expecting Dad to be with the funeral directors imminently so we will be able to begin the funeral arrangements soon.”
“Mum is still critical and we are just waiting for her to wake up by herself after the operation a few days ago, it is hoped she can show signs within the next few days.”
I know we all hope she will make a full recovery and our thoughts and prayers are with Sheila and her family.
His funeral took place on Tuesday 19th May 2020. Whilst this was a family only affair due to the current climate, many bowlers from the Club and County were permitted to attend and form a socially distanced guard of honour, which we did with about 45 bowlers from Birstall and across the County.